IKEA online strategy: what to learn from the Deco line giant

  • We close our series of posts about IKEA talking about its digital communication´s strategy which we can all learn from.

  • We are going to close our series of posts about the decoration giant talking about the online strategy of IKEA. Previously, we did of its inspiring story that began in the first half of the last century and its strategy of communication on other channels. 

    In the last paragraph of the post on its communication strategy we called you to this post. That is because we realized that it is a deep enough issue and you would be much interested in that it deserved a new post. 
  • IKEA and eCommerce?

  • Before talking about communication, we should stop at its business strategy. 

    Ecommerce has not exactly been a priority for IKEA. Its online store is fairly basic. In addition, it was not worried about creating its own eCommerce. That did not happened until 2016 (10 minutes ago, so to speak) when it began selling through this channel. 
  • It should be noted that, at business level, it has come to test other channels that may surprise you a bit like, the fact of selling through marketplaces such as Amazon. This strategic diversification is so striking and, to some extent, it could be interpreted as a problem for IKEA to adapt itself to digital reality. 
  • INSIGHT: do not be afraid to explore other alternatives to those that are presupposed. If IKEA is able to sell on large portals, you could, al least, assess the pros and cons of marketplaces for your business
  • IKEA digital communication strategy

  • However, although online sales may not be critical to IKEA´s strategy, it does not mean that it does not exploit the digital channel in its communication, by no means. 

    We have already mentioned through this serie of posts that IKEA has two very marked features in its own DNA: 
    • Customer as the center of business: first, because it is projected on its customers very sharply and second because it is the buyer himself who works as carrier and furniture assembler. 
    • The importance of the retail experience: the success of Swedes is grounded almost from the beginning in its stores. They are huge spaces destined to buying experience, with huge spaces, huge exhibitions in which you can test all items, restaurants,kindergartens... 
    For IKEA that came from sale catalogue and put all their interest to open physical stores, the fact of moving to Internet is, essentially, returning to the start box at a communication level. But on the other hand, it understands that its customers are digital and they are on the network. Because of that, it considers that it should be able to capitalize on this channel, not so much for online sale (that could be just 5% of its turnover), but as a way to be present enhancing its global branding and causing rotation in their physical stores. 
  • IKEA and PPC

  • It is not difficult to imagine that, not having its online shop until very recently, it was not very interested in SEM channel (directly was virtually useless for them until recently)

    Anyway, it is very interesting to see how IKEA applies lateral thinking to almost everything they do. It is well known the specific case of a campaign carried out in the United Kingdom. 

    The goal was to generate visits to the store (so it enhanced bids from mobile devices as much as possible) and analyze a report offered by Adwords that IKEA considered key: visits to shop. This way of measuring offline conversions uses (of course) bigdata and algorithms to establish how many users have gone to retail physical after clicking on an advertisement and, moreover, it can tell you what creativity and what specific keyword is generating the visit. 
  • INSIGHT: you always have to double think the options you have. There are features that can be real differential advantages for your business model. In the campaign we are talking about, IKEA got a conversion of visit to store over 10% at a very low cost.
  • IKEA y el SEO

  • Be careful, the fact that they did not have online shop is one thing, and not having a website until 2016 is quite another. In fact, there is evidence of its corporate site since 1998.
  • At a communication level, IKEA always saw its page as an opportunity to
    • Enhance its brand values 
    • Spread its catalogue 
    • List the physical addresses of shops 
    Especially for these two points, SEO is a great ally, the best way to collect that information searches and help accelerate the advance of users through the process of purchase, find those products from home and having part of prospective work done. 

    One of the campaigns better raised focusing on SEO that Iremember was that which it renamed hundreds of its products using the most searched key phrases on Google and it did not randomly: renowned products provided a solution to the problem (in many cases in a comic tone). For example, it changed the name of one of its plush dogs for  "Dad is allergic to pet hairs" or a USB charger for "Why does not he answer to my messages?" You can see these items on its website "ikearetailtherapy.se". 
  • INSIGHT: the example of Retail Therapy is paradigmatic of how SEO can be taken to another level where solutions to search intentions are offered (apart from the corresponding thank you). In addition, IKEA has a serious problem concerning SEO for products: the product names. Anyone can remember Billy or even Kallax, but if we get into Sollerön sofa or Raskog cart... it gets much complicated. 
  • IKEA and Social Media

  • IKEA social network strategies might be perfectly in the compilation that we presented recently. They are really good and pull lots of strings. 

    Seriously: few companies of this size really understand this channel so well, in too many cases it becomes a place to leave promotions and respond to complaints from users. 

    IKEA carries out a fairly intelligent management. On the one hand, we can say that the mix of content is balanced between: 
    • Give continuity to their campaigns in other media.
    • Promote products but always very well adapted to the tone and the language of each network. 
    • Corporate social responsibility: in fact, it is one of its most outstanding attributes. 
    • Contests: people love contests, so... 
    • Inspiration: multiple posts on different channels (great use of Pinterest understanding perfectly what this network can provide them) 
    • Corporate communications: from the opening of a new store to videos of workers talking about their experience. Such is the campaign for equality, which we can see on Instagram which I think is a success. 
    • Multimedia: its videos are really good. More than once its exclusively digital campaigns have become the viral moment, i.e., they are not limited to upload its television ads that are good as it is. 
  • INSIGHT: Social networks would not contribute both to the communication strategy of IKEA to digital level if it were not because they are in all those networks that it considers relevant, adapting to them with more varied content of an important level. 
  • We have finished the analysis that we have made through three extensive posts about IKEA strategy do you find them interesting? Would you like us to do the same with your favorite company? Just ask!

  • Images | IKEA 

Laia Ordoñez

Laia Ordóñez is a copywriting & eCommerce content marketing expert. She is Content & Marketing Manager at DueHome, a copywriting & content independent advisor, and Oleoshop's blog's editor-in-chief.

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