Mobile marketing for eCommerce: make your strategy work (2)

  • In our second issue about mobile marketing for eCommerce, we fully explore strategies that work. Don’t miss it!

  • If in the first post on mobile marketing we focused on analyzing the current situation and we described the advantages and disadvantages of this marketing support, in the post you are going to read below we want to talk about more specific actions at the strategy level
  • Focusing marketing to our mobile audience

  • One last consideration before talking about specific actions. 

    You need to know your mobile audience or, better said, the users of your website who also visit and buy from mobile

    At the end of the day, we are clear that users are multichannel and reach us and interact with our brand in different ways or from different devices

    Therefore, creating a mobile buyer persona could help you a lot. It is an archetype, a client with own name, surname and personal attributes. If you are not using this technique yet, we recommend that you do so (we explain how to create a buyer persona here) 

    Think about how your mobile client would do it; even do specific user tests to see how usability responds and if the interaction is satisfactory

    Google Analytics has a specific section for mobile devices that will feed you with quantitative information (number of sessions, page views, URLs that work best ...) It uses qualitative techniques to find out why things happen. 
  • Having the user in mind, you have to define the objectives by setting specific KPIs. We mean, in numbers, about how much you want to grow. You can take the following KPIs as a reference: 
      • Retention and recruitment: active users, recurring users, session duration…
      • Performance: average income per user, churn rate, average ticket, lifetime value… 
      • Advertising and Marketing: Publicidad y marketing: Campaign ROI, CPA conversion rate ...
    It depends on the general strategy of each one; that is why eCommerce KPIs are always different or at least have not the same weight
  • Mobile Marketing Strategies that Work

  • Everything we have seen so far was necessary to get to this point. Now we are going to mention the main mobile marketing strategies that you can implement in your eCommerce
  • #1 – Create SEM campaigns for mobiles

  • This that seems obvious is not so that. When we carry out campaigns on Google Ads, for example, we do not always think about mobile customers, and we apply the same content and strategy to everyone

    Keep in mind things like different search intents where the immediate is more important, calls to action that must be according to the device, the use of call extensions (even with call-only campaigns) and location, which can be used as a link for GPS navigation via Google Maps, play with bid adjustments according to the type of device… 

    Also consider creativity on the display network to make them effective and clear on small screens

    Of course, it is essential that the landing page is perfectly adapted to mobile navigation.This improves the conversion rate and the level of quality that Google Ads gives us per landing page experience. 

    Finally, remember to check the specific performance reports for mobile phones, this will surely open the door to new insights. 
  • #2 – Email marketing campaigns for mobile phones

  • If the SEM has to go through certain adjustments, email marketing does too. 

    Keep in mind that a large part of users open their emails directly on their mobile phones, especially those that are private. In fact, these are the accounts where promotional mails usually reach. 

    Again, it is critical to have a landing page that works perfectly. If as users we are lazy, in the case of the mobile it is especially noticeable that we are not going to make the effort to fight against bad usability by zooming, with buttons that are too small or too close to each other … 

    This is applied to the design of the emails themselves: make sure you are using a platform that allows you to create attractive content adapted to phones. For example, Mailchimp (one of the most popular platforms) offers you a mobile style editor so that you have exhaustive control of what the user receives. 
  • #3 – SMS campaigns

  • In the middle of 2020, with the most modern mobile park in history, you may be surprised that we continue to talk about the most old-fashioned messaging system of all. But it still works, and much better than some people think

    In fact, there is a devastating statistic in favor of this strategy, and that is that it has an opening rate of 98%, which is significantly higher than 20% of email marketing, which we already consider a great alternative. 

    Another advantage is that it is a strategy that only requires good copywriting, a suitable landing and a platform for mass delivery

    In addition, it is not expensive - although it will depend on the size of your database - but it can be around € 0.03 to € 0.07 per message. 
  • #4 – Social Media

  • In general, content strategy requires special attention when it comes to mobile marketing

    Keep in mind that the fight for user's attention is very fierce in itself, but in the case of mobile phones it is even tougher, since there is an even greater amount of stimuli around it that can distract him. 

    That is why it is so important to offer dynamic content that attracts user's attention, and formats that are specifically designed for mobile devices. The best example is vertical video, which not so long ago was an aberration and today is increasingly successful.
  • #5 – Apps (with exceptions)

  • This is the culmination of the mobile marketing strategy. Having an app means always being on the user's mobile phone ... on paper. 

    The truth is that apps have to provide great added value, give something that a website cannot do so that the user download and, above all. Interact with the application afterwards, since it is estimated that 25% of apps are only used at the moment of downloading

    Anyway, the applications are great ever since they make the most of all the native features of the terminal (GPS, camera, gyroscope ...). One of the most interesting, from our point of view, is to send push notifications directly to the users while they are using their smartphones
  • As you can see, the topic of mobile marketing for eCommerce is very juicy. Do you think your strategy is working? Did you find this article helpful? Let us know in the comments section below.

  • Images | Unsplash.

Miguel Nicolás

Miguel Nicolás O'Shea is a life-long copywriter (more than 15 years working in agencies) and a specialist in Search Marketing (SEO and PPC). From now on, he will contribute with his online marketing experience to Oleoshop, publishing regularly.

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