Top kids craft accounts on Instagram (2)
Laia Ordoñez
We continue to explore the possibilities of social media with this new post in the series about the main craft accounts for children on Instagram.
In the article that started with this reflection, we already mentioned that behind the need for parents to offer their children entertainment and enhance their creative skills, there may be a certain business that helps us maintain these types of initiatives in a viable way.Specifically, we focus on Instagram as a vehicle, a means of revitalizing our content marketing and a way to help conversion by means of courses, materials, books and even Premium content for paid subscribers.
Kids craft accounts on Instagram
We already told you 3 cases, but we would like to go deeper with 5 other equally inspiring examples of DIY for creative children.
#1 – The dad lab
Crafts can also be, to some extent, informative. This is what moves Sergei Urban through his account @TheDadLabDespite the fact that he himself makes it very clear in his Instagram bio that he is not a teacher or a scientist, his content is born from a more experimental than artistic prism. He uses basic physics and chemistry to make spinning tops with eggshells, potions with vinegar, machines to decode messages with cardboard plates, or a balloon full of chickpeas that works as a stress ball.A very interesting account for kids to learn while they have fun. You can also find his experiments in a book he has recently published.
#2 – Lauraiz
Again, we see how fatherhood or motherhood are often the first motivation to create one of these children's craft accounts on Instagram. Just as we talked about Sergei and his children, now it is Laura Izumikawa´s turn and her family, who are the protagonists of @lauraiz account @lauraiz.If you enter her profile, you will see how she combines the publications that we could define as lifestyle with others that are limited to the content of this post: crafts and projects of an artistic and educational nature for preschoolers.By the way, Laura has also taken advantage of her personal experience and the influencer status that Instagram has given her to publish her own book.
#3 – Mothercould
From a mother with concerns to another no less restless. We are talking about Myriam Sandler or, which is the same thing, about @mothercouldChildren learn to build toys, discover new games, explore the sensitive, enhance their creative abilities, cook ... It is one of the most complete accounts for DIY for kids that you can find on Instagram.If that were not enough, she also works with recycled and recovered objects to make it spread an eco-friendly message.
#4 – Redtedart
Maggie is first a mother and then a blogger, youtuber and influencer. It is clear that, if you have a blog dedicated to this topic, Instagram will give you a lot of visibility and a certain amount of traffic referring to your page that you can monetize through advertising or affiliation.In @redtedart account you will find many crafts in which, in general, the protagonists are wool and paper. This does not mean she is only focused on it, but she has found in origami a way to stand out in. Check it out because it is very interesting to see how she has defined her own and very recognizable type of content.
#5 – Hellowonderful_co
In contrast to the previous post, this time we have focused more on personal profiles than on those developed by companies, schools or groups. Therefore, we are going to finish this article with one more hyperactive mother.Her name is Agnes Hsu and when we say she is hyperactive it is for a reason. We are really going to talk about @Hellowonderful_co as a flagship, but she has created an entire ecosystem of accounts where she spreads different content (culinary, ecological, a cute eCommerce called Send A Unicorn and supportive projects ...). All this also being a mother ... just thinking about it sounds tiring .But let´s go back to the specific children's craft account she has on Instagram. Firs thing you will find at first glance is a great collection of activities to do with them. Lots of paper, of endless colors, glue and scissors.
Something incredible that social networks have brought us is the fact that anyone with a little creativity and initiative can capitalize on those skills by spreading their own material.This can be done in multiple ways: organizing workshops both in person and online, publishing a book that you can sell to that loyal community, making your channels produce passive income ... And all this at the same time that you are helping others, adding value and with the perception by others that you are not selling aggressively.
What do you think about the main children's craft accounts on Instagram? Are you missing any? If you have your own craft account, let us know so we can take a look at it.
Images | Unsplash, Instagram.