What is a slogan?
Laia Ordoñez
Find out what is a slogan in our eCommerce dictionary. From now on, you will have it more clear with the definition we are going to give you.
What is a slogan?
A slogan is a brief phrase used in an advertising context which summarizes the value proposition of the brand or product in an original way and easy to remember way. In Spanish, it is often also called motto or slogan.Slogans may also occur in a political context, as part of the advertising campaigns of political parties or Governments. But, in today's post we will focus mainly on those that have to do with marketing and advertising.
Slogan´s features
Not any short phrase has enough features to be considered a slogan. To be so, the phrase has to present the following characteristics:
- It has to summarize the main benefit of the product, service, or brand, trying to appeal consumers with the claim. In the brand slogans, the benefit proposed by the slogan is usually related to the values of the brand.
- It has to be made following some rules of mnemonics, in other words.,using mechanisms of mental association that make easier to remember it.
- You need to create the slogan keeping in mind that the slogan can be used easily in a normal conversation. For this reason, it tends to be good idea to give it the shape of a phrase or a saying.
- A good slogan should not have more than 5 words, or the closest at this number.
- The slogan should be generated around a main verb that invites to a particular action. Ideally, the verb should be at the beginning of the slogan.
- It is very important to take into account the use of language in each country in which you generate or have adapted an existing slogan. You have to make sure that the slogan can be easily pronounced and understood by most people.