What is Internet of Things?
Miguel Nicolás
We are going to define Internet of Things . We will see it is already a reality we have to pay attention to. Discover it with Oleoshop!
One of the concepts people have recently talked most about is the Internet of Things. It is something that is on our day to day and which, of course, is also involved at marketing level, as we told you in this post.
What is Internet of Things?
By this term we mean the capacity of certain devices to connect to the Internet on their own, even without the need for direct action of a user, and interact by themselves with other devices and users.Thanks to complex systems of sensors we are providing certain devices the possibility, on the basis of a command, the environment or any condition set previously, use its unique online presence to perform actions.
Examples of applications of Internet of Things
It sounds very complicated and, although it is technically, the truth is that these are very intuitive to use devices to the user. Finally, and after all, one of the main vectors tends to be the pursuit of simplification of the user experience and, in many cases, even the automation of processes.We can find many of these devices, ranging from a smartwatch or a lighting system automation to revolutionary speakers connected with voice assistants like Echo Amazon or Apple HomePod. The latter allow queries on the Internet through Alexa and Siri, their respective voice assistants.The best is not that, because as businesses we can also use them to make sales and get leads.
IOT and Big Data
We could include this function in the previous paragraph, but it has, and it is going to have so much weight that it deserves an own mention. As the Internet of things will strengthen, more clear patterns of use and consumption can be obtained. Thanks to them, business strategies will get enrich with a very important data driven layer when making decisions.