What is ROPO?
Miguel Nicolás
The connection between the digital channel and retail is becoming more and more clear. Today, we are going to talk about a concept called ROPO that has been trending in the eCommerce world for years. conexión entre el canal digital y el retail cada vez es más evidente.
The name ROPO stands for Research Online Purchase Offline.This concept tries to describe a way of using eCommerce that goes a little bit out of the basics. Users access the online store, view the product sheets, technical characteristics, photographs, opinions, compare prices... and with all this information in hand, they go to the physical store to complete the purchase there.
When does the ROPO take place?
As sophisticated as e-commerce has become, there are still customers who need physical contact with the product in order to make a purchase decision. What happens is that nobody wants to give up the advantages offered by the Internet when it comes to researching and comparing.Therefore, we must say that this is most likely to happen in the early stages of the Customer Journey, during the discovery and evaluation period.
Is it a problem for eCommerce?
It can be, but you have to learn to live with omnichannel and assume that the customer is not exclusively a digital or physical buyer: both channels coexist and interact, and it is the same person who receives the impacts and faces touchpoints from both.Logically, eCommerce that have physical stores will have an easier time redirecting online traffic to them and will not be supporting the conversion for the competition, which is an obvious risk.Retailers that operate exclusively online will have to work on persuasion to try to change the customer's intention and favor buying directly online in a more impulsive rather than reflexive way.