What is SERP?
Miguel Nicolás
We are going to explain to you what the acronyms SERP mean. We are sure that you have already seen it thousands of times when talking about SEO and SEM. A basic concept that you must know.
Of all the terminology related to organic search engine positioning, the acronym of SERP is the one that is repeated very frequently and, perhaps, you have always wondered what exactly it means. Let's clear it up.
What is a SERP?
If we analyze each letter, we get the definition: Search Engine Page Results.Basically, it is refers to the different links and resources that the search engine returns before a certain query.
Elements in SERPs
Although the design changes over time and the content essentially depends on what and how the user is searching, in SERPs there are two main types of content: organic and paid.
By organic we mean anyone who has been positioning naturally through SEO optimization and a good relevance for that query, which includes Google Maps global positioning , carousels, images…Also the so-called zero results or featured snippets are included, which are featured results with images or lists, question and answer blocks or even detailed explanations with lists and bullets.
Here we refer to the sponsored results through their PPC platforms. They can be both those text ads that stand out on the organic results and the shopping ad units as an eCommerce grid, which also load on the side and attract the potential customers of those products.As we say, they are in continuous evolution and elements are being added in a progressive way. Como decimos, están en continua evolución y van añadiendo elementos de manera progresiva. What is a constant is the loss of weight of the free elements with respect to the paid ones that generate business for the search engines.